
This product addresses common complaints customers have of newspapers being blown from the holder due to swirling winds and truck traffic and newspapers becoming damp and soggy from rain, snow, and sleet.

It will block out dust, leaves, and road debris from collecting inside.

Made from top quality materials, it will withstand regular use and weather extremes. The vinyl flap material will stay pliable even in cold weather and provides a clear view inside. When installed correctly, the flap will swing freely in both directions to allow easy deposit and retrieval of newspapers. The plastic clip fits snugly over the rim of all standard newspaper holders.

Department stores and newspaper circulation departments should contact oldpbmixer@gmail.com for pricing and shipping information. A check or money order for individual orders can be sent to RW Witmer LLC, P.O. Box 444, Orrville, Ohio 44667.

Online Price: $4.00
(plus shipping and handling)

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